My end of the year blogs continue to focus on the accomplishments of our amazing AAWC volunteers. The AAWC’S Healthcare Public Policy Committee (HPPC) faced several challenges this year and the efforts of our volunteers deserves acknowledgement. When CMS proposed reducing Evaluation and Management codes from five to two categories, the change threatened a substantial reduction in physician fees, endangering the specialty of wound care. Collaborating with numerous other societies to defeat the proposal, the HPPC successfully overturned the decision thereby preserving the current payment scheme. In addition, United Healthcare (UHC) issued a problematic coverage policy during the summer limiting choices of cellular and/ or tissue-based products available to clinicians. With cooperation and assistance from the Alliance of Wound Care Stake Holders, the AAWC prepared and submitted comments to UHC to request policy changes. Finally, the HPPC evaluated and responded to numerous CMS coverage determinations and policy proposals.
On behalf of the wound care community, the HPPC remains the watch dog of the AAWC. Our volunteers continuously survey the reimbursement and regulatory landscape, responding rapidly to protect the interest of our members, allowing patients to receive best in class care. The 2018 membership survey identified public policy as one of the top priorities for the AAWC. We listened. The Committee will continue to monitor the ever-changing policies and coverage determinations with the full support of the AAWC.
A special thanks to the current HPPC members: Peggy Dotson, RN BS, Chair, Ali Baros, MD, Kara Couch, MS, CRNP, CWS, CWCN-AP, MS, Gary Gibbons, MD, FACS, Mary Haddow, RN, CWCN, Eric Lullove, DPM and Kathy Schaum, MS.