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Benefits of Patient/Caregiver Membership

  • Become a member of a unified, singular wound patient / caregiver voice under the umbrella of AAWC
  • A copy of the Wound Patient’s Bill of Rights
  • Quarterly AAWC Newsletter
  • AAWC Wounds In Need (WIN) Patient/Caregiver Newsletter
  • Ability to influence AAWC decisions on the creation of wound patient and caregiver-focused projects, programs and tools through your participation and advocacy within the AAWC WIN Committee
  • Additional benefits for Wound Patient and Caregiver Members are under consideration and development

Wounds In Need

We want to belong
Obstacles will be removed and replaced with support
Unified, we will make a difference
Nothing is too large for us to tackle
Distance yourself from negativity
Support others who are in need of wound management

Influence the wound care policy makers
Never…give up hope

Now join our battle as a member
Encourage others to advocate for themselves or others on wound healing
Easy-we never said it would be
Determined-to help you heal your open wound