The Association for the Advancement of Wound Care & The Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders
AAWC is a member of The Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders, a nonprofit, multidisciplinary trade association of medical specialty societies and clinical associations whose mission is to promote quality care and access to products and services for people with wounds through effective advocacy and educational outreach in the regulatory, legislative and public arenas.
As both “watchdog” and go-to resource, the Alliance impacts clinical and procedural policies. In an effort to remove or reduce a barrier to treatment, the Alliance requested a ‘clarification’ of the non-covered surgical dressing benefit. To support the request, the Alliance conducted a teleconference with the Medical Directors from the Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DMEMACs) and the Pricing, Data Analysis, and Coding (PDAC) Contractor. The Alliance afforded these medical directors an opportunity to interact with clinical wound care “experts”, including two AAWC Board members, who offered actual examples of patients who benefit from treatment that the proposed clarification would support.
Information sourced from the Alliance website on July 5, 2020. Please visit for more information.