Welcome to Our Wound Care Community!

The AAWC prides itself on being a wound care association with a membership comprised of ALL disciplines of wound care. Our multidisciplinary approach is evident in the range and scope of our educational programming, public policy initiatives, and our research priorities. With such a professionally diverse membership, the AAWC is able to provide resources based on your specific needs and connect you to a variety of wound care professionals.

Whether you are a medical doctor, physical therapist, registered nurse, podiatrist, nutritionist, pharmacist, a corporation, a caregiver, or are involved in wound care in another capacity, we welcome you to help us realize our mission statement: to advance the care of patients with and at risk for wounds.

Note that these buttons are for non-members looking to join AAWC. If you are logged in to the website, the buttons will not work!
Members interested in renewing their membership should follow these steps:
  1. Go to: https://aawconline.memberclicks.net/login#/login.
  2. Login to your account.
  3. Click on My Profile.
  4. Click on the “Renew” button.
  5. IMPORTANT: If you do not wish to automatically renew your membership next year, UNCHECK the Auto Renew box. 
  6. Submit >“Pay Invoice.”