Catherine Milne APRN, CWOCN-AP
Why does it seem that everyday has a special name? I’m not talking about “Monday” or “Saturday”. Rather, “National Sunshine Day” or “Hedgehog Recognition Day”. I was happy to discover that Representative Tom Emmer, along with his colleagues Rep. Karen Handel, Bruce Poliquin and Rob Woodall have proposed H. RES. 1133. What is H. Res. 1133? It is the proposal to name every third Thursday of November National Pressure Ulcer/Injury Prevention Day and brings this critical issue to national recognition beyond our daily scope. CLICK HERE to read the letter from Representative Tom Emmer.
The resolution brings awareness that over 2 million Americans are impacted by pressure ulcers/injuries annually. With that, the call to action to focus on research, prevention and early detection. More importantly, H. RES. 1133 encourages the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to review current protocols and develop a plan to use peer-reviewed science to test and revise pressure ulcer/injury protocols. Additionally, H. RES. 1133 calls on HHS to host an annual Federal inter-agency conference that includes healthcare providers, community caregivers, patients/families, veteran advocacy groups, academia to publicly review and discuss the state of pressure ulcer/injury research, protocols, scope and magnitude of the problem.
Sounds like a dream come true, right? Well, it IS a dream. We need to make it a reality. H. RES. 1133 is still a proposal and it still needs to pass to become a reality. How can that happen? You...yes, YOU. It’s not as hard as it sounds.Write your Representative and tell them how important it is. I promise you that it will only take 5 minutes. That’s less time than most dressing changes. And this change can change the world.
Here’s how:
Click on this link
Type in your Zip Code
Find your Representative
Follow the directions to send an email.
Don’t know what to say? I have made it easy for you. Personalized letters weigh more favorably on our Representatives. The AAWC has drafted two letters that you may find helpful to use or amend. The first sample allows some personalization. Please feel free to add any other information you may want. The second sample letter, though less personal, will still have an impact.
Dear Representative (insert their name here),
As a (include your title here…Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Physical Therapist, etc.) who (cares for, manages, frequently sees, etc.) patients with pressure ulcers/injuries, I urge you to support H. Res. 1133 –Pressure Ulcer/Injury Prevention Day. This devastating health problem affects 2 million Americans a year and contributes to the death of 60,000. Pressure ulcers/injuries affect all ages and is seen in all healthcare settings as well as in people being cared for by their loved ones.
Your support of H. Res. 1133 will help countless Americans prevent the pain and suffering associated with pressure ulcers/injuries.
Thank you.
(Sign with your name)
Dear Representative (insert their name here),
As a healthcare provider who frequently sees patients with pressure ulcers/injuries, I urge you to support H. Res. 1133 –Pressure Ulcer/Injury Prevention Day. This devastating health problem affects 2 million Americans a year and contributes to the death of 60,000. Pressure ulcers/injuries affect all ages and is seen in all healthcare settings as well as in people being cared for by their loved ones.
Your support of H. Res. 1133 will help countless Americans prevent the pain and suffering associated with pressure ulcers/injuries.
Thank you.
(Sign with your name)