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Call for Abstracts > Abstract Preparation

Abstracts should be organized into four separate paragraphs:

  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results 
  • Conclusion/discussion

 In general:

  • The overall abstract subject matter is to be current and relevant to the AAWC audience.
  • Neither author(s) name(s) nor facility affiliation(s) should appear in the abstract body text.
  • The abstract must be free of any patient identification information including names, professions and/or other personal attributes.
  • Please use generic names or descriptions for products or technologies; no brand names or company/manufacturer names are to be used.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English. Please use American English spelling.
  • Table, charts or other graphics may not be included.
  • Be sure to proofread carefully for factual and spelling errors, accuracy and completeness. If published, the abstract will appear exactly as the abstract was submitted.
  • Posters that have been previously presented or published are eligible for submission if the previous publication/presentation is noted upon submission.

Abstracts essentially answer four questions:

  1. What was the problem?
  2. How did the author(s) solve it?
  3. What was discovered?
  4. What can be learned from the experience? If it is essential to the content of a poster to mention a product trade name, discuss that product by its generic name followed by an asterisk or another appropriate mark (*, †, °), then list the trade name in the appropriate box BELOW the abstract box.  

Author Information

  • You may be the presenting author (first author) on only one (1) abstract.
  • First author will need to provide full name, email, degree(s) and affiliation.
  • Enter all authors in the order they should appear in the author listing of the abstract under Listing of Authors. List complete name(s), including first name, middle initial (if applicable), last name and degrees (if applicable) for each author, as it should be listed in publication if the abstract is selected for presentation.
  • Please do not include author institutions or contact information in the author list or body of the abstract. If you enter an author’s institution or contact information in the author list or abstract body, they will be removed.
  • Multiple submissions of similar material from an institution, consortium or study group are not allowed.
  • In cases where multiple similar submissions are planned, authors should combine their materials into a single, cogent abstract.

AAWC will communicate solely with the first/presenting author if accepted. It is important that the primary author includes an email address, affiliation and degree. The primary author will be responsible for notifying all authors of important details and deadlines.

Abstract title

The poster title should adequately convey the content of the abstract and must not contain product trade names. Abstracts without titles or titles that identify the presenting institution, authors or geographic area will be disqualified. Additional guidelines:

  • Do not write your abstract in all capital letters. 
  • Titles must be submitted in title case, e.g. “Safety of New Wound Care Therapeutics.”
  • Do not use proprietary names in the title.
  • Do not use formatting tags in the title.

Please select only one (1) of these categories:

  • Integration of technology into wound care
  • Patient engagement
  • Biofilm and Bioburden
  • Technology to monitor wound healing
  • Early detection


  • References are optional.
  • If you do include references, please limit references to the 10 most pertinent citations.
  • References will not be included in the total character count.
  • Reference for book chapters should consist of editor, title, city of publication, publisher, year and inclusive pages.

Sources of Funding
Funding must be noted at the end of the abstract and will not be included in the total character count.

You may be asked to complete a Disclosure Form if there is evidence of industry support.

Additional Authors’ Agreement
The first/presenting author must acknowledge that all authors have read and agreed with the content of the abstract submitted for the AAWC 2022 Annual Conference.

Publishing Agreement
You agree to have your abstract posted on the AAWC Annual Conference website.


Quick links for more information about abstract submissions


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